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David Suchet
Godišnja doba na Atlantskom oceanu (2018)
Atlantic: A Year In The Wild
Kanada: Godina u divljini (2018)
Canada: A Year In The Wild
Aljaska: Godina u divljini (2017)
Alaska: A Year In The Wild
Američki plaćenik (2017)
American Assassin
Poirot: Herculesovi zadaci (2014)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Labours Of Hercules
Poirot: Velika četvorka (2014)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Big Four
Poirot: Zavjesa - Poirotov posljednji slučaj (2013)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case
Poirot: Slonovi pamte (2013)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: Elephants Can Remember
Poirot i ja (2013)
Being Poirot
Misterij Agathe Christie s Davidom Suchetom (2013)
David Suchet: The Mystery Of Agatha Christie
Poirot: Sajam zločina (2013)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: Dead Man's Folly
Velika očekivanja (2011)
Great Expectations
Spas je u pošti (2010)
Going Postal
Poirot: Uoči Svih svetih (2010)
Poirot: Hallowe'en Party
Poirot: Tragedija u tri čina (2010)
Poirot: Three Act Tragedy
Preusmjereni letovi (2009)
Plimni val (2007)
Plimni val (2007)
Medvjed zvani Winnie (2004)
A Bear Named Winnie
Hercule Poirot: Smrt na Nilu (2004)
Hercule Poirot: Death On The Nile
Hercule Poirot: Pet praščića (2003)
Hercule Poirot: Five Little Pigs
Hercule Poirot: Tužni čempres (2003)
Hercule Poirot: Sad Cypress
Siguran plan (2003)
Obiteljske veze (2003)
The In-Laws
Henrik VIII. (2003)
Henry Viii
Hercule Poriot: Zlo pod suncem (2002)
Hercule Poriot: Evil Under The Sun
H. Poirot: Umorstvo u Mezopotamiji (2001)
Hercule Poirot: Murder In Mesopotamia
Kako danas živimo (2001)
The Way We Live Now
Hercule Poirot: Smrt lorda (2000)
Hercule Poirot: Lord Edgware Dies
Herkule Poirot: Umorstvo Rogera Aykroyda (2000)
Poirot: Murder Of Roger Aykroyd
Savršeno ubojstvo (1998)
Perfect Murder
Nedjelja (1997)
Herucle Poirot: Nijemi svjedok (1996)
Hercule Poirot: Dumb Witness
Herucle Poirot: Ubojstvo na igralištu za golf (1996)
Hercule Poirot: Murder On The Links
Smrtonosno putovanje (1996)
Deadly Voyage
Hercule Poirot: Bija-baja (1995)
Hercule Porot: Hickory Dickory Dock
Božić Herculea Poirota (1995)
Hercule Poirot's Chrstmas
Slučaj Lucona (1993)
Der Fall Lucona
H. Poirot: Patriotsko ubojstvo (1992)
Hercule Poirot: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Hercule Poirot: Smrt u oblacima (1992)
Hercule Poirot: Death In The Clouds
Hercule Poirot: Ubojstva po abecedi (1991)
Hercule Poirot: The Abc Murders
Hercule Poirot: Misteriozna afera u Stylesu (1990)
Mysterious Affair At Styles
Poirot: Opasnost u End Houseu (1990)
Agatha Christie's Poirot: Peril At End House
Poirot (1989)
Agatha Christie's Poirot
Trinaestoro na večeri (1985)
Thirteen At Dinner
Mala bubnjarica (1984)
The Little Drummer Girl
Hodočašće veličanstvenim britanskim katedralama (2022)
Pilgrim's Way To Britain's Great Cathedrals With David Suchet
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