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Fantastična četvorka: Dolazak Srebrnog Letača

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    bearfoot @ 23.2.2011. 18:40

    F4 ekipa mi je tak-tak, nikad ih nisam baš volio, ali Silver Surfer, eeee, to je već drugo, lik "beyond" super heroja, neograničenih moći samog svemira, stripovi s njim su bili prava rijetkost kod nas,

    i na moju VELIKU Tongue outradost u pripremi je film, po scenariju samog Straczynskog...ali jao, kuku lele, spominje se daleka 2014, šmrcCry

    Real name: Norrin Radd
    Occupation: Adventurer
    Identity: Public
    Legal status: Citizen of Zenn-La with no criminal record.
    Place of birth: Zenn-La Group
    Affiliation: Former member of the DEFENDERS
    First appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR, Vol. 1 #48

    History: Norrin Radd - former hearald of the mega-tyrant Galactus, offer his life to protect his native planet, placing him in the service of Galactus as a silver suited sentinal. As a galaxy cruising protector endowned with superhuman strength, he is able to control and direct cosmic energies, with enough force to destroy a city. After visiting Earth, the Surfer finally betrayed Galactus and refused to supply his world-devouring appetite. His punishement was confinement to earth - but he escaped and currently soars the starways as a universal protector.

    Height: 6 ft. 4 in.
    Weight: Unknown
    Eyes: White
    Hair: None

    Known superhuman powers: The Silver Surfer can endow himself with Class 100 strength, enabling him to lift (press) over 100 tons. He possesses the Power Cosmic which he can use to generate powerful force blasts or to rearrange molecules. The Surfer travels on a "surfboard" which responds to his mental commands and is as indestructible as he is. He has a Cosmic Awareness which allows him to feel energy around him.

    #BeginEditable "content"  Silver Surfer #EndEditable
  • #2
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    mario @ 23.2.2011. 23:11
    Bar sad ima hrpa nadolazećih superhero filmova, Green Lanter, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, Wonder Woman, Deadpool, Ghost Rider (reboot), Spider Man (reboot), Superman (reboot), tako da si miran do 2014 Laughing
  • #3
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    bearfoot @ 23.2.2011. 23:19
    Thor me posebno veseli, svojevremeno sam bio u velikoj napasti istetovirati ga na ramenu....joj,joj
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    mario @ 23.2.2011. 23:26
    Thor me posebno veseli, svojevremeno sam bio u velikoj napasti istetovirati ga na ramenu....joj,joj

    Da, da... Thor je opak lik. Pratim ga sad redovito. Evo ga u jednom od prvih brojeva v3 izdanja. Badass :D

  • #5
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    mightywez @ 9.8.2014. 13:01
    Silver surfer je gubica. A film tako tako.
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