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Tri tjedna nakon objave nominacija za Critics' Choice Awards za televizijske serije, na kojima najviše nominacija imaju Kruna (The Crown) i Ozark, objavljene su one za njihovu filmsku inačicu.
Critics' Choice Awards za filmski sadržaj obilježile su dvije serije i jedan streaming servis. Riječ je o biografskoj humornoj drami Mank (Gary Oldman, Amanda Seyfried, Lily Collins) u režiji Davida Finchera prema scenariju Jacka Finchera koja vodi s čak 12 nominacija uključujući one za najbolji film, najboljeg redatelja, najboljeg glavnog glumca (Oldman) i najbolju sporednu glumicu (Seyfried).
Po broju nominacija slijedi ga polu-autobiografska priča Minari o korejskoj obitelji koja se doseljava u Arkansas 1980-ih koja ih je dobila 10 uključujući one za najbolji film, najbolji strani film, najbolji glavni glumac (Steven Yeun) i najbolja sporedna glumica (Yuh-Jung Youn).
Prema očekivanjima, nominacijama su dominirali streaming servisi među kojima se svakako izdvojio Netflix koji ima četiri filmska naslova u kategoriji najboljeg filma što je rekord za bilo koji studio u povijesti Critics' Choice Awards. U nekoliko navrata studiji su imali najviše tri nominiranih u kategoriji najboljeg filma, što se posljednji put dogodilo 2012. godine za Weinstein Company kad su bili nominirani Django Unchained, The Master i Silver Linings Playbook – ali pobjedu te godine nije odnio nijedan od njih, već Argo.
Netflixovi nominirani filmovi u kategoriji najboljeg filma su Da 5 Bloods (Spike Lee), Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (George C. Wolfe), The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Aaron Sorkin) i već spomenuti Mank. Netflix tako ima čak 46 nominacija plus još 26 u televizijskoj inačici Critics' Choice Awards koje su objavljene 18. siječnja: ukupno 72 nominacije što je najviše od bilo kojeg studija ili mreže. Ostali nominirani filmovi u ovoj kategoriji su Minari (A24), News of the World (Universal Pictures), Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures), One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios), Promising Young Woman (Focus Features) i Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios).
Olivia Colman nominirana je za najbolju sporednu glumicu u drami The Father čije je postala jedina osoba koja je nominirana i za film i za seriju (2016. je bila nominirana za seriju The Night Manager u kategoriji najbolje glumice). Chadwick Boseman prvi je glumac koji je posthumno dobio dvije nominacije u istoj godini za Da 5 Bloods i Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.
Pobjednici u filmskim i televizijskim kategorijama Critics' Choice Awards zbog pandemije koronavirusa bit će objavljeni na virtualnoj ceremoniji u nedjelju, 7. ožujka koju će voditi Taye Diggs uz nekoliko gostiju prezentera i to na pozornici u Los Angeles, dok će se nominirani uključivati s različitih lokacija diljem svijeta.
Popis nominiranih:
Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)
Mank (Netflix)
Minari (A24)
News of the World (Universal Pictures)
Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures)
One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios)
Promising Young Woman (Focus Features)
Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix)
Lee Isaac Chung, Minari (A24)
Emerald Fennell, Promising Young Woman (Focus Features)
David Fincher, Mank (Netflix)
Spike Lee, Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
Regina King, One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios)
Aaron Sorkin, The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix)
Chloé Zhao, Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures)
Ben Affleck, The Way Back (Warner Bros)
Riz Ahmed, Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios)
Chadwick Boseman, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)
Tom Hanks, News of the World (Universal Pictures)
Anthony Hopkins, The Father (Sony Pictures Classics)
Delroy Lindo, Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
Gary Oldman, Mank (Netflix)
Steven Yeun, Minari (A24)
Viola Davis, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)
Andra Day, The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Hulu)
Sidney Flanigan, Never Rarely Sometimes Always (Focus Features)
Vanessa Kirby, Pieces of a Woman (Netflix)
Frances McDormand, Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures)
Carey Mulligan, Promising Young Woman (Focus Features)
Zendaya, Malcolm & Marie (Netflix)
Chadwick Boseman, Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
Sacha Baron Cohen, The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix)
Daniel Kaluuya, Judas and the Black Messiah (Warner Bros)
Bill Murray, On the Rocks (A24/Apple TV Plus)
Leslie Odom Jr., One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios)
Paul Raci, Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios)
Maria Bakalova, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (Amazon Studios)
Ellen Burstyn, Pieces of a Woman (Netflix)
Glenn Close, Hillbilly Elegy (Netflix)
Olivia Colman, The Father (Sony Pictures Classics)
Amanda Seyfried, Mank (Netflix)
Yuh-Jung Youn, Minari (A24)
Ryder Allen, Palmer (Apple TV Plus)
Ibrahima Gueye, The Life Ahead (Netflix)
Alan Kim, Minari (A24)
Talia Ryder, Never Rarely Sometimes Always (Focus Features)
Caoilinn Springall, The Midnight Sky (Netflix)
Helena Zengel, News of the World (Universal Pictures)
Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
Judas and the Black Messiah (Warner Bros)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)
Minari (A24)
One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix)
Mank (Netflix) – Jack Fincher
Minari (A24) – Lee Isaac Chung
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (Focus Features) – Eliza Hittman
Promising Young Woman (Focus Features) – Emerald Fennell
Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios) – Darius Marder, Abraham Marder
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix) – Aaron Sorkin
The Father (Sony Pictures Classics) – Christopher Hampton, Florian Zeller
First Cow (A24) – Jonathan Raymond, Kelly Reichardt
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix) – Ruben Santiago-Hudson
News of the World (Universal Pictures) – Luke Davies, Paul Greengrass
Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures) – Chloé Zhao
One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios) – Kemp Powers
Emma (Focus Features) – Kave Quinn, Stella Fox
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix) – Mark Ricker, Karen O’Hara, Diana Stoughton
Mank (Netflix) – Donald Graham Burt, Jan Pascale
News of the World (Universal Pictures) – David Crank, Elizabeth Keenan
The Personal History of David Copperfield (Searchlight Pictures) – Cristina Casali, Charlotte Dirickx
Tenet (Warner Bros) – Nathan Crowley, Kathy Lucas
Da 5 Bloods (Netflix) – Newton Thomas Sigel
First Cow (A24) – Christopher Blauvelt
Mank (Netflix) – Erik Messerschmidt
Minari (A24) – Lachlan Milne
News of the World (Universal Pictures) – Dariusz Wolski
Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures) – Joshua James Richards
Tenet (Warner Bros) – Hoyte Van Hoytema
Emma (Focus Features) – Alexandra Byrne
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix) – Ann Roth
Mank (Netflix) – Trish Summerville
Mulan (Walt Disney Pictures) – Bina Daigeler
The Personal History of David Copperfield (Searchlight Pictures) – Suzie Harman, Robert Worley
Promising Young Woman (Focus Features) – Nancy Steiner
The Father (Sony Pictures Classics) – Yorgos Lamprinos
Mank (Netflix) – Kirk Baxter
Nomadland (Searchlight Pictures) – Chloé Zhao
Sound of Metal (Amazon Studios) – Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
Tenet (Warner Bros) – Jennifer Lame
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix) – Alan Baumgarten
Emma (Focus Features)
Hillbilly Elegy (Netflix)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix)
Mank (Netflix)
Promising Young Woman (Focus Features)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Hulu)
Greyhound (Apple TV Plus)
The Invisible Man (Universal Pictures)
Mank (Netflix)
The Midnight Sky (Netflix)
Mulan (Walt Disney Pictures)
Tenet (Warner Bros)
Wonder Woman 1984 (Warner Bros)
The Midnight Sky (Netflix) – Alexandre Desplat
Mank (Netflix) – Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Minari (A24) – Emile Mosseri
News of the World (Universal Pictures) – James Newton Howard
Soul (Pixar) – Jon Batiste, Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Tenet (Warner Bros) – Ludwig Göransson
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (Netflix) – Husavik (My Home Town)
The Life Ahead (Netflix) – Io Si (Seen)
Judas and the Black Messiah (Warner Bros) – Fight for You
One Night in Miami (Amazon Studios) – Speak Now
The Outpost (Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment) – Everybody Cries
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Hulu) – Tigress & Tweed
Another Round (Samuel Goldwyn Films)
Collective (Magnolia Pictures)
La Llorona (Shudder)
The Life Ahead (Netflix)
Minari (A24)
Two Of Us (Magnolia Pictures)
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (Amazon Studios)
The Forty-Year-Old Version (Netflix)
The King of Staten Island (Universal Pictures)
On the Rocks (A24/Apple TV+)
Palm Springs (Hulu/NEON)
The Prom (Netflix)