petak, 05.07.2024 14:13

Lamput (2017)

Lamput (Originalni naziv)

komedija dječji animirani avantura

Lamput je simpatično narančasto stvorenje koje je pobjeglo iz tajnog laboratorija

When Lamput disguises himself as a book and gets returned to the Library, the Docs have to be super quiet in their attempts to get him back. They finally manage to sneak past the Librarian, but all chaos erupts when they open a mysterious book in the restricted area. Lamput and the Docs have to team up to get the new ghostly resident back to where he belongs!
Režija: N/A
Scenarij: N/A
Uloge: N/A


Serija kratkih animiranih filmova koji su originalno emitirani na Cartoon Network India.

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