utorak, 02.07.2024 14:20

Lamput (2017)

Lamput (Originalni naziv)

komedija dječji animirani avantura

Lamput je simpatično narančasto stvorenje koje je pobjeglo iz tajnog laboratorija

Lamput faints of thirst on a desert highway, so already it???s not a great day for the little orange shape-shifter. Add to that the fact that Specs and Skinny just happen by in a lockup van, and things go south pretty promptly. Specs and Skinny learn a valuable lesson: maybe if you???re going to anger a morphing super-blob by throwing them in the back of a van and withholding precious water, you shouldn???t do it whilst driving by a 100 foot cliff drop down to the open ocean. Hopefully these Docs are better swimmers than your average academic.
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