petak, 28.06.2024 14:14

Lamput (2017)

Lamput (Originalni naziv)

komedija dječji animirani avantura

Lamput je simpatično narančasto stvorenje koje je pobjeglo iz tajnog laboratorija

Pregnant Doc: During a chase, Specs accidentally swallows Lamput. The Docs plan to bring Lamput back to the lab! However, Specs gets misunderstood by bystanders as a pregnant mother in labor and gets dragged to a hospital against his will. While Specs gets used to being a mother-to-be, Skinny tries to get the two of them out of the hospital and back to the lab. Will Lamput stay in Spec???s tummy this whole time?Reverse: In a new attempt to catch Lamput, The Docs invent a remote that reverses anything back in time. Lamput must try to escape while constantly being pulled back into the Docs' grasp!
Režija: N/A
Scenarij: N/A
Uloge: N/A


Serija kratkih animiranih filmova koji su originalno emitirani na Cartoon Network India.

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