četvrtak, 27.06.2024 20:50

Lamput (2017)

Lamput (Originalni naziv)

komedija dječji animirani avantura

Lamput je simpatično narančasto stvorenje koje je pobjeglo iz tajnog laboratorija

The Docs prove their inventing skills by coming up with an age-altering time-ray. This breakthrough could change the world. If they used it for something other than chasing Lamput. Obsessed much, fellas? Wildly shooting their time-ray off in public causes a not-unsurprising amount of chaos, until the local law enforcement gets caught in the cross-fire. Looks like the Specs and Skinny are gonna be in jail till they get old the normal way.
Režija: N/A
Scenarij: N/A
Uloge: N/A


Serija kratkih animiranih filmova koji su originalno emitirani na Cartoon Network India.

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